And thus We make friends, some (of) the wrongdoers (to) others for what they used to earn.
And in this manner do We cause evildoers to seduce one another by means of their (evil] doings
Thus We let some of the wrong-doers have power over others because of what they are wont to earn
Thus do we make the wrong-doers turn to each other, because of what they earn
This is how We make the wrongdoers ˹destructive˺ allies of one another because of their misdeeds.
In this way, We cause the unjust to seduce each other through their own doing.
And in like manner We shall keep the wrongdoers close to others as a punishment for their misdeeds
And thus do We make some of the iniquitous to befriend others on account of what they earned
And, thus, that is how We make some of them friends with some others who are ones who are unjust to one another for what they had been earning.
Thus We let some wrongdoers manage others because of what they had been earning. (XVI)
And thus We make some of the wrongdoers friends of some for what they used to earn (in the world)
Thus do We make the wrongdoers allies of one another because of that which they used to earn
Thus, We allow some wrongdoers to befriend each other due to what they used to earn.
Thus We make some of the wrongdoers befriend one another, because of what they used to do
And thus We make friend and custodian some of the transgressors to some (other wrong-doers, who then mutually exceed in crimes) because of that which they used to earn
That is how, in the hereafter, We will make wrongdoers the comrades of one another on account of what they earned during their life on Earth with evil friendship
And thus We make the unjust ones patrons of each other, for whatever they were earning
Thus do We make the unjust friends of one another because of their evil deeds
Thus We will make some wrongdoers companions of others (in the Hereafter) because of what they used to commit
Thus Our Law makes the wrongdoers keep company towards a common earning. (The criminals of the same kind tend to hang around together)
Thus, We will appoint the evildoers as each other´s comrades, because of what they had wrought
And thus, We make the wrongdoers turn to each other, because of what they have earned
And thus will We make some of the wrongdoers allies of others for what they used to earn
It is such that We make the wicked as supporters to one another for what they have earned.
In this way, We make some evildoers have power over others through their misdeeds
And thus We shall keep some of the wrong-doers close to others for that which they were wont to earn
Thus do We place some sinners over others as requital for their deeds
In that way We make the wrongdoers friends of one another because of what they have done
In this manner We cause the wrongdoers to befriend and help one another (with seduction and sinning) because of what they are engaged in earning
That is how We make the wrongdoers one another’s friends because of what they used to earn
Thus do We make some of the wrongdoers patrons of one another, because of what they earn
And that is how We make some of the wrongdoers support the others for what they were doing.
So we make the wrongdoers turn to each other because of what they earn
This is how We give some sinners influence over others because of the deeds they earned.
In this manner We shall make the wrong-doers friends of each other (in the Hereafter) because they earned (evil together in the world)
It is such that We make the wicked as supporters to one another for what they have earned.
And thus do We make the wrongdoers awliya of one another because of what they earned
And thus We set over one against the other among the unjust for what they have done.
We thus match the wicked to be companions of each other, as a punishment for their transgressions.
So We make the harmdoers guides of each other for what they have earned
And thus do We make some of the iniquitous to befriend others on account of what they earn
And like that We appoint/enable some (of) the unjust/oppressors (over) some, because (of) what they (were) earning/gathering
Thus, I will make the wicked ones to have the "displeasure" of having each other's company; they have earned such punishment for their wrongdoings
And similarly We empower some of the oppressors over others - the recompense of their deeds
And thus do WE make some of the wrongdoers friends of each other because of what they earn
And in this manner, We continue making some of the oppressors dominate over others due to the (evil) deeds that they earn
In the like manner do We let some of the unjust have power one over another because of their (wrongful) deeds
And thus We do make the Zalimoon (polytheists and wrongdoers, etc.) Auliya (supporters and helpers) one to another (in committing crimes etc.), because of that which they used to earn
So We make the evildoers friends of each other for what they have earned
Thus do We set some of the unjust over others of them, because of that which they have deserved
Thus do we make some of the unjust patrons of the others, for that which they have earned
Even thus place we some of the wicked over others, as the meed of their doings
Thus do We give the wrongdoers sway over each other as punishment for their misdeeds
And thus we make the ones who wrong their own souls allies to one another because of what they used to perpetrate.
This is how We let some of those who have voluntarily and consciously abandoned the Full Knowledge of the Truth in favour of their own whims have power over others because of what they are accustomed to earn.
And in this way We make the wrongdoers turn to each other on account of what they used to commit.
This is how we make sinners turn to one another, because of what they earn.
And thus We make the unjust allies of one another on account of what they used to earn.
Thus We let some wrongdoers manage others because of what they had been earning. (XVI)
And thus We make an ally for some of the oppressors, to some others, by what they were earning.
In this manner do We cause the wrongdoers to be close allies of one another, because of that which they do.
Thus We will make some of the wrongdoers friends with others as a result of what they used to do (they are companions to each other in the fire)!
And thus do We make some of the iniquitous to befriend others on account of what they used to earn
Thus do We induce those who confirm themselves in prepensed malice to be attracted to each other and be disposed to tutelary friendship by reason of their common attributes and of exercising themselves for the purpose of alienating people from Allah's purpose
And thus We make some of the unjust turn to others because of that which they used to earn.
And thus We make some of the wrongdoers patrons to some, for what they used to earn.
Thus do we make the wrong-doers turn to each other, because of what they earn
And thus We make friends, some (of) the wrongdoers (to) others for what they used to earn
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